Here it is, my final portfolio! I included every project I that was proud of from this class. I used a free template I found online. Of course, here's the final result:
Overall, I learned a lot from this class. I definitely wouldn't have learned how to do any of these things on my own!
I like your portfolio and I think you did a great job with the layout and the professionalism here! I really enjoy that you weren't afraid to spread out your work and to allow each piece their own page and the artist statement on a neighboring page. Something that I noticed though is on your business card page. The cards all seem to be disproportionate and I believe that it discredits the work you've put into them. It could be beneficial to make them all the same size or at least same proportions as the original 3.5x2. Anyways, I like your work and I think you did a great job this semsester!